Wholesale Stainless Steel Watches With Gemstone Backgrounds
Wholesale Stainless Steel Watches
Do you have the time?⌚Gorgeous Wholesale Stainless Steel Watches with Beautiful Gemstones for the Watch Backgrounds and Genuine Leather Bands are ready for your order. The post-growing trend in Jewelry and in Watches is here and available in our stylish and timeless minimal style Stainless Steel Watch designs.
A Photo of Watch Parts on a Rolex Watch
We are a manufacturer and wholesale distributor of Wholesale Stainless Steel Watches with Gemstone Crystal backgrounds and they look amazing. From our supply of Wholesale Precious and Semi Precious gemstones, we can create a masterpiece timepiece for you and your customers. Jewelry and Watch Stores can buy in bulk and save time and money by ordering from us now.
Wholesale Watches in Bangkok, Thailand
From our Watch Manufacturing unit, we make many men’s and women’s gemstone watches, and then after quality inspection, and sorting, and packing we ship them out. Most of the work is done here as we are a watch manufacturer in Bangkok, Thailand too and a wholesaler of watches and of gemstones in bulk.
Navneet Gems has been in business for a length of 20 years time and as a supplier of watches in Bangkok, Thailand as well as the gemstones that we supply worldwide to our customers, from our factory in Thailand. Many established businesses buy from us and have for some time. Our Gemstones and Jewelry Division here creates beautiful jewelry in bulk as well as beautiful gemstones in stainless steel watches in Bangkok.
If you haven’t been in the watch business with your Jewelry and Gemstones Store then you have been “behind in the times” as this trend is ticking away and now is your chance. Let us show you our line and pricing in bulk of our wholesale Stainless Steel Watches and get you started today. Otherwise to add to an existing Jewelry and Watch business, this is a winner. With our low overall expenses that we pass on to our customers, we have a real moneymaker for you.
Teal Sapphire Baguettes
Melee sizes : 4×3, 3×2, 4×2
Origin: Australian
A nice Gemstone Watch and Gemstone Bracelets to match from Bebrajrang
A stunning Gemstone Watch and Bracelet combo from Sanda B
Pairing a nice watch with a gemstone, leather, gold or other style of bracelet is very popular in men’s fashion and becoming very fashionable for women too. Matching subtle colors and simplicity with other gemstone or leather bracelet jewelry is yet another avenue of income for you. The timeless Bespoke Design is easier to manage with minimal designs such as in our watches.
Here is an example of more that we can do at Navneet Gems with our Wholesale Stainless Steel Watches and a Rainbow Sapphire ring that we made for a Watch Company client recently, which they were very pleased with.
More That We Can Do For You
We also can alter our Wholesale Stainless Steel Watches by your design for you, in bulk orders as we do with bulk gemstone and jewelry orders. Our Watches, range in price from $10 to $50 at wholesale, depending on the components you choose to buy. We guarantee our batteries will last 2 years and generally the gemstones tend not to break in an accident and we do this by creating a shock-absorbing feature. It is like a spring, so the gemstones are cushioned. Of course, this is normally expensive and can be done in other watches above $50 or so, but ours is included in our watches.
Truth be told we source some components from China for these watches but also we compete with China on many levels of our Gemstone and Watch manufacturing business partly because we will only use ethical sources for our gemstones, China does not. We make very high-quality wholesale stainless steel watches and with ethical gems.
Tick Tock ⌚
We will be watching the clock ⏰ to see when you message us through our Contact Us link and the Inquiry Form or email address there. Take your time but we look forward to your inquiry and we will reply back to you promptly.