mining gemstones


Let me tell my dear friends, Blue Topaz is found in thousands of tons around the world. Places like Brazil, The States (Denison Mines), Sri-Lanka, Australia, Pakistan, Russia, they all have huge sources of White Topaz available at the moment. However, the exact figure of how much topaz i left can’t be compiled, unless you visit each country and ask the local miners there.
Wholesale blue topaz production process

 I have the stats for the Denison Mines though, Colorado Plateau, where most of the Topaz in the States is being mined. This mine is the only real place where there are amounts of White Topaz available.

                        2007                 2008                         2009                              2010                 2011

Blue Topaz     7,753 Tons         9,707 tons.      Producton stopped*       Stopped     Likely to start

      *= The reason for this was according to the Denison Mines when i had visited them was that the increased production costs and the lower demand for the Blue Topaz because of the NRC rule that had been tighten to allow only certified stones to enter the USA. However, when i called them in November 2010 to ask for the production of White Topaz, they said they have started the production, and that the goods will be available in star of the year 2011. So hopefully, we’ll get more stocks available.

There has been a shortage of Blue Topaz in the market especially for big sizes, 50 carats and plus. But we Navneet Gems & Minerals have alot of them from our previous stocks. So honestly, no other company is going to help your orders, except us!

So are the prices higher of Blue Topaz than ever before?

Yes, they are. But for our regular customers, we are offering them only a 20% increase in prices, compared to 30% increase in general. This is because our regular customers want it at the same price, so we offer good services for our Semi Precious Gemstones.

We are the sole producer of Blue Topaz. Our White Topaz comes from the most proffesional companies areound the world, where their mining efficiency gives them an advantage over other miners. And the polish and treatment comes from the best European factories, where in bulk everything is treated. Thats how we get our Blue Topaz from.

Will Blue Topaz run out in the future?

According to me, there is more Topaz available than Diamonds. So i really dont think this Gem will ever run out, not in this century atleast. So Ladies can continue wearing Blue Topaz Jewellery, and Suppliers can continue buying and trading this gorgeous gems, without questioning the future of Blue Topaz.

Is the quality of white topaz degrading year by year?

Yes. By the time, white topaz quality is degrading because of low availblity of good material. White topaz material is availble in big quantities but quality of all material is not same. Mostly upper part of mines have best quality material and now all materials from upper part of all mines have been mined out. There is also difference in mining cost between top level material and medium and bottom level, it takes more efforts when medium and bottom level material is mined and efforts are propotional to pricing. Our buying capacity of white topaz material is huge that’s why all mine holders give us first priority when selling material in market for selling.

 So if you are looking for Consistent Blue Topaz supplier? Then do not hesitate to contact us please!